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  • Do you have this constant feeling that there is much more to life than what you are experiencing?

  • Do you seek profound change in your life that will not only impact your life but the lives of people around you?

What you get when you book a session with Jackson:


Since I died when I was a child, I have spent my entire lifetime reading hundreds of spiritual books, attending spiritual classes, psychic development classes, training, spiritual fairs and conventions, and sought the TRUTH as to the existence of myself, and ALL reality, physical and not.  It was not enough for someone to tell me about it.  I lived it.  I died it.  Have you ever had a mentoring session with someone who has literally been physically and clinically dead before?  Now is your chance!

I HAVE DEDICATED MY ENTIRE LIFETIME TO LEARNING ABOUT THE SOUL, and the truths of our existence as spiritual entities, and I sought out firsthand truths about the one that is famous around the world known as Christ, as he too was a Master Teacher of Timeless Truths. 

I have developed my Soul Abilities through my entire lifetime of study, tens of thousands of meditations, using tarot cards, oracle cards, mantras, mantra’s, incense, candles, flames, shakers, rattles, Tibetan singing bowls, frequencies, sounds, and more to my students around the world in many countries and cultures. 


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"There is no avoiding that which you are.  There is only avoiding that which you may become." - Seth Channeled by jackson

are you ready TO EXPERIENCE MORE than you've ever known?

A Lifetime of Highly Focused Spiritual Development Experience

  • Access to Seth Conscious Collective Guidance

  • Access to Angel Messages of Guidance

  • Access to Christ Consciousness Guidance

  • Wisdom from THOUSANDS of Channeling sessions with Seth, Christ & Angels

  • Spiritual Guidance from all dimensions of ‘God’ that are accessible to Jackson Thomas through consciousness/The Universe


*** SIMPLY PUT- YOU WILL NOT GET THIS LEVEL OF MULTIDIMENSIONAL CONSCIOUSNESS WISDOM FROM ANY OTHER MEDIUM AS I AM CURRENTLY THE ONLY CHANNEL FOR ALL OF THESE ENTITIES.  Others may channel Angels (and many do), and some may access Christ Consciousness, yet I AM the only Medium who channels them all.  There are reasons for that, and we detail that in our books.  This is not ego speaking, this is simply the Truth.  ***


Subjects Jackson Teaches & Can Mentor YOU on;

  • Near Death Experiences (NDE’s)

  • Out Of Body Experiences (OBE’s)

  • Information about “Heaven” (or so-called “Hell”)

  • Consciousness

  • Souls, Entities, Personalities, Conscious Collectives

  • Seth Conscious Collective

  • Christ Conscious Collective/Christ Consciousness

  • Angels, Arch Angels- What they are, what their role is, how they can interact with humans and the physical plane

  • Clairabilities- Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairsentience, Claircognizance, etc.

  • Channeling Angels, Loved Ones Crossed Over/Passed Away

  • Dimensions of Realities

  • Dream Dimensions, Dream Interpretations, Dream Symbolism

  • Health, Healing, Miracle Healing, How The Physical Body is Created, How the physical body can and does heal, curing so-called “incurable diseases”, causes of diseases, etc.

  • Healing Emotional Traumas of All Kinds (I was abused as a Child so I’ve been there and healed from it by understanding the SPIRITUAL SOUL LESSON behind the physical event and I can help others understand their trauma’s also and transform them into personal power and focus that creative power into very positive outcomes to change your life.

  • Reiki & Energy Healing- How it works in terms of CONSCIOUSNESS

  • Gestalt Consciousness – What it is, how it works, how you can actively participate in gestalt consciousness

  • Reincarnational Lifetimes- Past Lives, Future Lives, Parallel Lives, Parallel Selves, Parallel Personalities, male/female roles, Soul-Goals in reincarnational lifetimes

  • Multidimensional Awareness, Multidimensional Abilities, Multidimensional seeing, sensing, communicating.

  • Dissolving the seeming walls that separate YOU from other lifetime “YOU’s” to that you can tap into learning from other incarnations of your own soul

  • Soul Lessons, Soul Memories

  • Rational Mind – What it is, how it works, what it’s limitations are, how it restricts your world, your perceptions, your understandings, your beliefs, your experiences…and most importantly, how you can transcend your abilities to operate freely beyond the limitations of the Rational Mind.

  • The 5-Human Senses and how they filter your perception of reality to create very limited views and understandings.  What the 5-Human Senses are for, how to perceive beyond them.

  • Beliefs and how they form the boundaries within which you experience personal reality

  • Off-Planet Beings (Physical and Nonphysical) So-Called Aliens/Extra terrestrial beings, Beings of Light

  • The Phenomenon of Space and Time and how they truly DO NOT EXIST.  The Eternal Now Moment and the MASSIVE Life-Altering wisdom of understanding these truths and using that wisdom and knowledge to change your own life.

  • Changing the Past to Create a New Future – Yes, you can change what you perceive as the past.

  • Déjà vu and what it means, how it can happen

  • Creating Physical Reality – AKA- Manifestation (Objects, Events, Conditions)

  • How to Raise your Vibrations to Closer Match Divine Frequencies

  • Overcoming Challenges

  • Finding Peaceful Resolution

  • Finding your path in life

  • Forgiveness – Of yourself, of others and how Forgiveness sets YOU FREE

  • Transforming lower vibrational emotions into powerful creativity to enhance your life

  • Receiving Ideas, Inventions, book ideas, movie scripts, artistic designs – Tapping into The Universe to receive these and more.

  • Communication with Plants, Trees, Animals, Earth

  • Ancient Societies and Cultures that exist, Atlantis and other Legends

  • Psychic Experiences, Precognition, Seeing the Future, Seeing the Past, Telepathy

  • Consciousness Units, Electromagnetic Energy Units, the formation of Atoms & Molecules

  • Perception Abilities of Consciousness and it’s multidimensional abilities

  • Shocking TRUTHS About the man they call “Jesus”, the Christ consciousness, John The Baptist and his role in the Timeless Truths, Yeshua, Emmanuel/Immanuel, Paul/Saul Christ, Judas, Thomas Didymus – AKA ‘Doubting Thomas’

  • The TRUE meanings of Christ’s teachings, his messages, their meanings, false entries in the Bible, mistranslations (some intentional, some not)

  • Truths about the supposed Crucifixion, the Ascension, Christ dying a normal death

  • The Truth About The Birth Of Christ, Mother Mary, Joseph and their intended name for their baby

  • Gospels Removed from the original collection of manuscripts that now make up the modern-day Bible

  • Timeless Truths that transcend all space and time and how they are the codification of our existence

  • Physical Reality as Symbols for the Consciousness that they represent

  • Tapping into past civilization knowledge, wisdom, such as those who built the pyramids

  • Understanding HOW they built very similar pyramids from the Yucatan to Giza all the way around the world, and thousands of years apart, yet strikingly similar with often similar hieroglyphics and symbolism

  • Religions and how they SEPARATE Humanity- Their Purpose, their intents, evolution of humanity beyond religions into Unity of Spirit

  • “God” by any and all names = All That IS.  Why Seth and I call “God” by any and all names, ALL That IS (Present Tense)

  • All That IS (“God”) IS indeed, Omniscient, Omnipotent, Omnipresent

  • The MASSIVE implications and Truths behind Omnipresence

  • Infinitely Much More… Seth, Christ and The Angels have not shortage on wisdom to share with humanity…and that means YOU.

  • THIS is what YOU have access to, right now, when you book Your Own Private Session with Jackson.

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